Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy as soon as the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum, the surrounding layer starts releasing progesterone. Later, during pregnancy, progesterone is produced by the placenta.

Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy

The fertilized egg implants itself to the lining of the uterine within 10 days after fertilization as a result of which a small protrusion appears that transforms into placenta in the coming weeks. Placenta once formed is responsible for producing progesterone and estrogen, both of which are pregnancy hormones. For more informative blogs visit rare cow

Both progesterone and estrogen are vital for pregnancy. The signs and symptoms of pregnancy symptoms begin to appear even before a missed period. A positive pregnancy test just confirms it.

Missed Period 1 Common signs and symptoms of pregnancy Symptoms

Possible Pregnancy Symptoms

Breast Tenderness

After fertilization, you will start experiencing a chain of changes occurring in your breasts. Your breasts become sore and tender to the touch. You might feel your breasts fuller and heavy. The areola also becomes darker.

Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is another possible symptom of signs and symptoms of pregnancy . As soon as the baby starts developing in the uterus, the amount of waste material increases in your body that needs to be excreted through urine. Another reason that causes an increase in urgency and frequent urination is the growing size of the uterus pushes the bladder remaining less space to hold the urine.

Fatigue Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Fatigue During Pregnancy

A lot of hormonal activities are going on in your body, which consumes a large part of your energy through signs and symptoms of pregnancy leaving you feeling exhausted and tired.


The working of the digestive system slows down because of the increased hormonal activities particularly progesterone that cause bloating in some women.

Nausea During Pregnancy

Nausea or vomiting is the most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy symptom. Almost all pregnant women experience this. This too caused because of the slowing down of the digestive system as well as the loss of your body’s power to maintain the blood sugar level.

Missed Period

When an egg is fertilized, the menstrual flow normally ceased. The monthly periods are normally caused because of the shedding of the lining of the uterus which is there to assist the baby after an egg is fertilized. When the egg is fertilized, progesterone is produced that prevents the uterus from contracting, hence protecting the lining from shedding.

However, there are women who have a yellowish vaginal discharge or spotting at the time when their periods occur in routine. signs and symptoms of pregnancy these are often confused with menstrual flow but in fact, this is the bleeding caused by the implantation of the fertilized egg into the lining of the uterus.

Cervical Softening

Softening of the cervix is another common symptom of signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Many doctors examine this to confirm whether the woman is pregnant or not. The cervix is in fact the opening of the uterus that opens into the vaginal canal. It is located deep inside on the upper wall of the vagina.

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