Pin On Baby Shower

Pin On Baby Shower

Pin on Baby shower baby showers had certain items that must be included during the fifties and sixties (and even later in some areas). The suburbanites would gather balloons and streamers, paper plates and napkins, flatware, and baby shower banners. That does not sound so different from today’s baby showers. However, in the good ‘ole days there were also baby shower games that must be supplied with things like paper and pencil, cotton balls, blindfolds, spoons; and diaper bag items such as powder, diapers, diaper pins (what are those?), baby bottles, etc.

Pin On Baby Shower

The baby showers of years gone by were hosted by women and were only attended by women. The games were all baby themed and provided a lot of laughs for the guests. With blindfolds, spoons, and cotton balls, guests would have to crawl on their knees to scoop up cotton balls while blindfolded without feeling for the items they were in search of. The winner would be the woman who scooped up the greatest number of the scattered cotton balls. Onlookers, those who knew better than to participate, would have a great time watching the silliness. For more informative blogs visit rare cow

Another popular baby Pin on Baby shower game included a changing table and the items typically found in the diaper bag. Rolling the cart out covered with a cloth diaper (yes, they were not disposable back then), the hostess would briefly uncover the cart while guests tried to memorize all of the baby-related items.

After half a minute or so, the items would be covered again and everyone would list everything they could remember from the cart. The lucky lady with the most correct items won the prize. Most often, though, the prizes were baby items that the winner would then hand over to the expectant mother.

The paper plates were not reserved for food only. One baby Pin on Baby shower game used paper plates to create a bonnet for the expectant mother being honored. As the bows were taken off the gifts, someone would attach them to the bottom of the paper plate. Once the plate was flipped over and had a ribbon laced through it, it made a perfect bonnet.

Even opening the gifts became an uproarious time. As the guest of honor opened the gifts her comments would be recorded and then read without break and without context once all the gifts were opened.  “Oh, it’s just what I wanted! It is so little! I just want to pet it because it is so soft!” were a few phrases that could send the room into rolls of laughter. This was also popular at Bridal Pin on Baby Shower.

Our modern baby showers have left the games in the past. Many of today’s baby showers include the father and other men, so a great deal of the baby-themed games has gone by the wayside. Instead, everyone may have personal cameras to take pictures of the Pin on Baby shower from different angles for the new parents.

Once the gifts are opened, the guests meander into discussing parenting tips or the possibilities that lie before the newest addition. But wouldn’t it be fun to see the guys race to change a baby doll’s diaper while blindfolded?

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