Best Gifts New Moms

Best Gifts New Moms

Best gifts new moms decided to put together a “WOULD” and “WOULDN’T” list together for items that I purchased being a first-time mom. Hopefully, this will give some help to all those soon-to-be moms out there, as I know it’s tough making your way through the stores and wanting the very best for your child.

Best Gifts New Moms

Swing – This is an absolute MUST-have. I didn’t plan to buy this one from the get-go until a friend of ours told us we should. I purchased the swing about a week before we had our little one and man oh man, am I glad. Anytime she begins to rub her eyes, we place her in this, put it on level two, and turn on the music tunes and she is out. For more informative blogs visit rare cow

It’s also great for when you want to do some items around the house to put your little one in here. Best gifts new moms is a lap belt to assure they are secured in, a tray that you can place toys on for when they get a little older, and the mobile that hangs above.

Dr. Browns Bottles – With having a gassy baby,

along with some reflux and colic, these bottles were an absolute lifesaver! Best gifts new moms have a patented vent technology to help eliminate air bubbles in the formula or breast milk, which helps to reduce feeding problems like colic, spit-up, burping, and gas.

I would go ahead and purchase the 8oz bottles from the start, as before you know it your little one will be drinking much more than 4oz. Even if you are going into your pregnancy blindly saying that your little one won’t have these issues, purchase them anyways, they are great!

SleepSack with or without Swaddle – So you don’t have to worry as much about SIDS, this SleepSack will give you peace of mind when it comes to your baby sleeping at night. You don’t have to worry about your little one becoming cold at night, because this is an all-in-one – blanket, pajamas, and if you get the swaddle feature, a swaddler. Best gifts new moms the winter months, you can throw on the long-sleeved SleepSacks or you simply can put a long-sleeved onesie underneath the SleepSack.  These may seem a bit pricey to you but they are well worth it.

Regardless of which brand you purchase

this activity system outweighs the rest in my opinion! Your little one won’t know what to do with all the items attached and the fact that they can jump up and down in their seat.  This is great to help strengthen the back muscles of your little one but also for them to interact and gain brain development as well. It’s also a mommy saver because you can put your little one in this and have some cleaning time or relaxation time on the couch while the little one entertains themselves for a bit.

Bouncer – While you have your “alone time”, taking your shower or bath you want your little one to be nearby.  This is the perfect item to use.  I have had this bouncer in my bathroom from day one and she loves it. Strap them in, hand them a toy and they are either going to sleep from the soothing sound of the water running or chew on the toy you hand them. The music feature is nice as well, as well as the vibration feature. Total lifesaver.

Summer Infant Rest Assured Sleeper – We absolutely speak

wonders for this co-sleeper. We originally had an older bassinet that rocks the baby to sleep that was given to us. However, with our little one being colic, and having reflux, she didn’t sleep well anywhere except near us.

This was an absolute lifesaver because it fit right in between my husband and me in our king bed, we could easily check on her and she felt at ease. The cushion was firm, it has breathable sides, you can’t roll over it and it came with a sound machine that clamped on the side and also vibrated.  It also folds up so if you are traveling somewhere your little one always has her/his bed.

I WOULD NOT buy these items

Wipe Warmer – Although this is a great idea, I have to

honestly admit, I used this item once. I find that you are doing diaper changes wherever you are at the moment, and the wipe warmer is plugged into the little one’s room at the changing table.

On another note, I was always too paranoid to leave this item plugged in for long periods of time due to a fire hazard and didn’t have enough time to let the wipes warm up when I plugged it in again for the next diaper change. Best gifts new moms with that, I felt that only the wipes on the bottom and top were warm and the ones in the middle were not.

Now for some people, these may

work, but for us, not so much. The insert that is in the bathtub, now Best gifts new moms is useful. I still use this daily at 6 months for my little one, only in my personal garden tub. I found that it is just too much work to lug this tub into your own bathtub or the kitchen sink, fill, start the bubbles then put LO in.

When all you really need is the insert, put it in your tub, and make sure the water is low. They are cute in retrospect, but not something I would ever purchase again. We used ours once, and it currently sits with the other items we don’t use to sell in a garage sale one day.

Dreft Laundry Soap – Now, I’m not saying altogether not to buy a laundry soap that is free of scents and harsh chemicals, however, there are so many other brands these days, even Best gifts new moms, that offer this exact same concept for half the price. I was sucked into this, and after using the first bottle, I never bought another one.

Bumpers – Most have heard the warnings, but we

still don’t listen because finding cute bedding for the nursery is a must, I know. I spent over $400.00 on my bedding set, and it’s beautiful, let me tell you. But let me also tell you that I took out the beautiful bumper before ever laying my little one in her crib.

I was too paranoid. It’s now said that babies can roll over and suffocate themselves on the bumpers.  I don’t know about you but cuteness went right out the window for me. If you want a bumper, buy the breathable bumpers and stay away from the big pillow ones or cotton ones. Just not worth the chance. Best gifts new moms can still purchase beautiful sheets and a beautiful crib and buy a breathable bumper to match!

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